Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Good of PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a great tool to utilize for teachers. PowerPoint makes teacher's lives easier and lessons more effective. By using a PowerPoint you are for sure not to forget information within a lesson that you may forget about if you are not using this technology. Also it is easier for students to follow along with a PowerPoint than it is for them a verbal lecture.
PowerPoint are excellent tools to use within the classroom. They bring structure to the class and depending on the format make it fun. I know as a student I always appreciated having a PowerPoint that was well structured and easy to take notes off of. PowerPoint's are a great tool when they are used appropriately.

1 comment:

  1. The world of technology is growing before our eyes and in most cases it is making our lives as teachers better. I totally agree with your thought process I believe that Power Point can only make things better especially when it comes to teaching important lessons.
